
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Los Angeles Places Cap On Homework

The Los Angeles Times (6/28, Blume) reports that the Los Angeles Unified School District is implementing a new policy saying that "homework can count for only 10% of a student's grade. Critics - mostly teachers - worry that the policy will encourage students to slack off assigned work and even reward those who already disregard assignments," but the district is "joining a growing list of school districts across the country that are" limiting homework "so students can spend more time with their families or pursue extracurricular activities like sports or hobbies. The competition to get into top colleges has left students anxious and exhausted, with little free time, parents complain."


Kelsey Williams writes at the San Francisco Chronicle (6/28) "Hot Topics" blog that though supporters of the measure are "lauding the approach as progressive and fair towards students whose home life and economic circumstances makes work outside of the classroom difficult, the overarching move once again takes power away from the teachers who know their student's situation better than any school supervisor could."

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