
Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Kindle books surpass paperback books in sales

When Amazon announced that its third-generation Kindle "eclipsed Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows as the bestselling product in Amazon's history," we knew it'd only be a matter of time before we heard the announcement that Kindle books outsell paperback books. And now, about a month after that Kindle announcement, it's here, from Jeff Bezos: "Kindle books have now overtaken paperback books as the most popular format on"

This comes six months after Amazon announced Kindle book sales had overtaken hardcover sales and had predicted Kindle books reaching this milestone in the second quarter of this year, so it's ahead of schedule. Not only that, but the company announced that its fourth quarter sales topped $10 billion for the first time. To learn more, read the full article by Athima Chansanchai at MSNBC's Technolog.

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