
Tuesday, November 17, 2009

File This One Under, “Duh!”

Stop That Video- DVD

(Adapted from Long Beach Unified School District)

English learners (and others) while watching a content-related video may talk throughout, be asked to quiet down, and have nothing to share related to the content at the close of the video. This problem may result from inadequate processing time and may be resolved by using the technique, Stop That Video – DVD.

During this activity, the teacher stops the video at key points, allowing students time to process the information individually, either in their heads or on paper. English learners particularly benefit from using a note-taking sheet that outlines key points or questions to be answered in the video. Once students process information independently, they can share and clarify with a partner.

This technique allows the teacher to check for understanding throughout the course of the video and address any misconceptions. If a student chooses to process the information with another student in their primary language, this may further enhance comprehension.

***From 99 Ideas and Activities for Teaching English Learners with THE SIOP MODEL by MaryEllen Vogt and Jana Echevarria

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